NixCon NA 2024 Pasadena

March 14 – 15, 2024

Managing your Userland with Home-Manager

Managing your Userland with Home-Manager

Talk by

Unleash the full potential of your user environment with the "Portable Userlands with Home-Manager" workshop. Discover how to use Home-Manager to create reproducible, portable configurations for your applications and tools. Ideal for Nix users who want to personalize and efficiently manage their desktop across multiple systems. For all Nix(OS) users who are not afraid of writing configuration files in Nix language.

Basic NixOS Modules

Basic NixOS Modules

Talk by Daniel Baker

We've all been there. We start playing with our NixOS config and see a cool blog post about modularizing your config. That would be so cool! ... wait how do modules work? The documentation is pretty sparse. And those "beginner" blog posts about modules are so beginner friendly. So we are going to play with and build our own modules. But we aren't going to build packages; our output is going to be plaintext. We are going to see and feel how each of our options influences the output.

Continuous Integration Hands-On

Continuous Integration Hands-On

Talk by Ryan Trinkle

Add state of the art continuous integration (CI) to your project. With Nix, CI not only enhances code quality, it also provides automatic binary caching, speeding up development and deployment. We'll cover the basics, gotchas, and tips and tricks for CI in Nix-based projects, and then help you apply them to your own project. Mentors will be available to help work through any issues you encounter. Our goal is for everyone to leave the workshop with a fully set up CI process in production.

Lightning Talks

Lightning Talks

Talk by

A series of short 5 minute talks about all things Nix.

Nix is a better Docker image builder than Docker's image builder

Nix is a better Docker image builder than Docker's image builder

Talk by Xe iaso

Docker is everywhere, but Nix is not. Nix lets you build Docker images that are easier to deploy than images made with the normal Docker build flow. Want to learn how to make images with a 100% build efficiency and turn your application deployments from pushing many layers at a time to only pushing what actually changed? You can do it with Nix.

Lessons learned developing systemd in stage 1

Lessons learned developing systemd in stage 1

Talk by Will Fancher

When NixOS boots up, the first userspace code that the Linux kernel runs is called "stage 1". Its main job is to configure the file systems used by the OS before starting it. This can get quite complicated, and systemd is here to help. I will describe the goals of rewriting stage 1 to use systemd. I will also talk about how these seemingly small choices, like how to handle the first few seconds of boot, or the choice of my online username, can have unexpectedly significant results.

Easier NixOS self-hosting with module contracts

Easier NixOS self-hosting with module contracts

Talk by Pierre Penninckx

How standardizing NixOS options for modules achieving the same goal (SSO, backup, etc.) can move Nix one step forward to be an industry leader in the Server Management tooling space.

Substituters and remote builders

Substituters and remote builders

Talk by Tom Bereknyei

Low barrier of entry methods to use Nix caching and substituters

Building Robots with Nix and Bazel

Building Robots with Nix and Bazel

Talk by Badi Abdul-Wahid

Learn about the benefits of using Nix and Bazel, and the role of overlays in build systems.

Nix State of the Union 2024

Nix State of the Union 2024

Talk by Ron Efroni

Cover the dynamic landscape of Nix's growth, innovation, and future possibilities. This session will provide a comprehensive overview of the major milestones Nix has achieved over 2023 from key leads in the community and the foundation board members, the challenges we've faced, and the exciting developments on the horizon.

The case for Nix on the home server

The case for Nix on the home server

Talk by Samir Rashid, Anthony Tarbinian

Why is Nix a good choice for a home server? Learn how Nix enables maintenance free, secure, and reproducible home servers. The talk will cover why Nix is a powerful choice compared to other technologies like Docker or Ansible. It will also showcase how Nix makes it easy to get up and running with server applications such as Nginx, Wireguard, Jellyfin, Samba, and more.

[High|Low]Lights of Adopting Nix at Looker (Google Cloud)

[High|Low]Lights of Adopting Nix at Looker (Google Cloud)

Talk by Farid Zakaria, Micah Catlin

A look at our adoption of Nix at Looker, now Google Cloud. I will go over the setup, adoption, broader community, and challenges.